How's Your Weekend?

     Weekend- the time of the week that I am always looking forward to. And how do you usually spend your weekend time? There are heaps of ways in spending our weekend time and this varies from one person to the other. Personally, weekend for me is a perfect time to recharge and to spend time for my loved ones. 

    I have read online several quotes about the weekend and one of them that attracts much of my attention is this one: 

    “Why not try to relax your troubled mind by taking a walk in the park, or going on a weekend hiking trip with family or friends and enjoy the view? It can surely do wonders for a tired mind and soul.” —  E.L. Herndon


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay 

    I am struck by this quotation for I could always relate with what is being stated here. From Monday till Friday ( and even Saturdays for other places), we work hard to earn money to provide bread for our table. We literally wake up early in the morning so as to make it sure not to be late at work. Then we arrive home tired already from work that we limit our time to spend especially with our loved ones.

    Thus the weekend is just a perfect time for us to catch up some sleep and have coffee or brekky with the family or with friends. Afterwards, we proceed with our own personal schedules of the day. Hence the day passes by without such stresses related to work and its accompanying routine. Thus lucky for us who have the luxury of spending our weekend in such a recharging as well as a positive way. 


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